If you've received one of our subscription boxes, you'll notice that right by the opening flap, our tagline reads "Be Sew Delighted". A little cheeky, a little punny, the line hints at what's inside. Each month, we want you to open our boxes and feel like you're opening a present, with all the joy and delight that entails.
(In our minds we imagine each subscriber opening the box like Samuel L Jackson at the end of Pulp Fiction, but it's okay if your box doesn't glow from the inside 😉)
But what does it mean to be delighted with your sewing? Despite what Instagram videos and outside impressions may indicate, sewing is not always a joyous romp in front of your sewing machine. Often times it's twenty minutes unpicking a seam you've already sewn twice or putting on your top to realize it's too tight or too loose. It's reading the instructions three times and thinking, "What, what? how do I do this again?" It's throwing your fabric in a corner and stepping away for the day to regroup and come back with fresh eyes.
The beauty of sewing, though, is that none of that really matters, even if it may not feel like that in the moment. It's all part of the messy process that we love - the ability to fail and correct our mistakes, the chance to learn new skills, the amazing gift of seeing our hard work manifest itself right before our eyes into something we can wear the next day! Sewing is a little microcosm of life in its wonderful and woeful process of creating one step at a time, one foot in front of the other, until we get to where we want to go. And if we can find joy and delight in our craft, surely it helps keep us going out there in the real world.
So, what brings you delight in your sewing? Is it the moment you sit down at your machine to start a new project, with all the possibilities at hand? Is it finishing a perfect seam and marveling, hey, I am GOOD at this? Adding your own bit of flourish - a tag, a decorative stitch, a custom button - that you know makes your garment truly unique?
These simple moments of delight, fleeting specks on the fabric of time, are what make me love sewing. And this month, I'm holding them close and cherishing the joy they bring both in my sewing room and outside of it.
Until next time. . .
Happy sewing,
Let us help you be sew delighted with our sewing subscription boxes. It's a great way to jump to the joyous part of sewing. We take the guesswork out of pairing fabric and patterns with curated boxes that we know will look amazing!