March 06, 2022

Mindful Sewing: Transition

“Change is the only constant in life.”

There’s a myth about people with creative minds in that they are always flitting from one idea to another, following passion to passion, living in the moment like Robin Williams in Dead Poet’s Society. “Oh, the bohemian lifestyle,” people exclaim, “it’s just so romantic and free.”

But as sewists, working on creative projects, we know the truth. So much of creativity is about wrangling our ideas into careful planning, directing our many passions into an achievable goal. Sewing is as much about preparation as it is about the actual construction, about getting the fabric, the pattern, the time, and the notions into one place so we can then be creative.

This is especially true in times of transition, like March. The old saying goes that March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb. It’s the month where winter transitions into spring, where things start to grow again, where life returns.

With the change of seasons also comes the change of wardrobes. Even in the middle of winter, sewists start planning our spring clothes. It can cause a bit of cognitive dissonance to plan pretty summer dresses when we’re wearing cozy sweaters and thick socks, but it also is inspiring. We get to think about what we’ll be doing when the weather turns warm, and we get to build anticipation for the upcoming season.

So how do you sew for these times of transition? And it doesn’t have to just be for seasonal changes like I’m talking about. There are many transition periods in our lives, where, just like the weather, our habits change, our bodies change, and our tastes change. Do you plan ahead and sew in anticipation of the change, like sewing shorts in March or Halloween costumes in the summer? Or do you wait until the change happens so that you can stay in the present? Would your sewing be different if you chose one option over the other? Some things to be mindful of as we go through this month.

For me, as much as I love winter and the snow – and I’m one of those people who does love the season – I’ll admit that by the time March rolls around, I’m looking forward to spring. New clothes, new outfits, new chances to wear what I make. Spring is full of optimism and possibility. The change of seasons is a chance to start anew, to embrace change. Who knows what will happen in the next few months? What joys it will bring? What opportunities? And sure, it can feel daunting, and it may not turn out as we want, but in these times of transition, it’s hard not to hope it will.

Until next time (and our zoom gathering!). . .

Happy sewing,




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