Previous Boxes
This March, Dip Your Toe into Suiting with Tailored Waistcoats
March is always a strange month for planning our boxes. We announce them in January, when it is cold and dreary, for a month that can either be a lion or a lamb. How do you dress for such conditions? And how do you get excited for...
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Think Happy Jumpsuit Thoughts as You Prep for Spring Sewing
Towards the end of last year, we posted on our 2020 goals on Instagram. January...

This March, Behold the Wonder of the Weekend Dress
For two thirds of my life, I was decidedly not a dress person. Not only that,...

Winter Sewing is All About Comfort, So Say Hello to Our Sweatpants Boxes
Sweats. Loungewear. Athleisure. My ex's grandmother used to call them "junks". But whatever you call...

Embrace Slow Sewing This Winter with Our Trench Coat Kits
I swear, January always feels like an inordinately long month. I realize that it's...

'Tis the Season for Shift Dresses
It's rare for us to have two back to back dress boxes. If you've...

Wrap Up Your Holiday Sewing with these Gorgeous Dresses
as I write this, I can look out my window where it's a lovely September...

Sew Your New Favorite Jacket This October
Whether you like it or not, cold weather is coming to most of us in...

Jump back! Jumpsuit season is upon us!
Okay, okay, I know what you might be thinking. There are pretty much two distinct camps...

Sew Up Fancy Blouses Made For Going Out This August
Fancy blouses, going out tops, whatever you want to call them, they are a necessary...

Hot Weather Requires Breezy Dresses!
It may not seem like it now (as I'm writing this, it's been raining for...

Stay Cool All Summer in Beautiful Culottes
Growing up in the eighties, I owned my fair share of culottes. I like to...

It's Never Too Early to Sew Sundresses!
To some, the first sign of Spring is the sight of a robin. Or snow-drops...