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Mindful Sewing: Confidence

I distinctly remember a moment a few years into my sewing journey. This was back...

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Your Guide to Sewing Swimwear

There's nothing to be afraid of when sewing your own swimwear, especially if you got...

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Style Inspiration for Our August Blouson Dress Boxes

There are few things comfier than the Blouson Dress. The loose top, elastic waist, and...

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Easy, Breezy, Blouson Dresses Beat the August Heat

The first question you might have is "What the heck is a blouson dress"? And...

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Mindful Sewing: Wonder

Have you ever watched children play? Not in a creepy way, but children you know:...

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Remnant Sewing Ideas

Summer time might be the best time for some remnant sewing. Between spending more time outside...

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Style Inspiration for our July Flounce Boxes

It's time to flaunt some flounce! (I've been holding on to this line for months 😄)...

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Add a Little Flounce to Your Style This Summer

Flounce, flutter, ruffle: whatever you call it, this flirty embellishment is everywhere these days. So...

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Mindful Sewing: Celebration

Can you believe it's already May?? In my mind, it still feels like February, but...

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Style Inspiration for our June Swimsuit Boxes

We're back this month with style inspiration for our boxes. There are so many ways to...

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This June, it's Swimwear Season!

The sun is shining, and the heat is on (in most places). It's definitely feeling...

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Mindful Sewing: Renewal

I am in the middle of a sewing renaissance. Normally, I'm lucky if I can...

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